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Cattle Kandi
Beef and dairy. 204 to 294 kg, heavier calves, receiving cattle and for starting stockers on grass.
FibreMate 18
Beef, dairy and goats. For average forage conditions, cows in stalks and stubble, goats.
Mineral EX
Beef and dairy. Mineral block with EXtra punch from vitamins and organic complexed trace minerals.
Pasture Ranger
Beef and dairy. For stocker cattle and brood cows on bloat prone wheat pasture and alfalfa.
SweetPro 16
Beef, dairy and goats. All natural protein supplement for first calf heifers, brood cows, stocker cattle and goats.
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Commodo sociosqu venenatis cras dolor sagittis integer luctus sem primis eget maecenas sedurna malesuada consectetuer.
Ornare integer commodo mauris et ligula purus, praesent cubilia laboriosam viverra. Mattis id rhoncus. Integer lacus eu volutpat fusce. Elit etiam phasellus suscipit suscipit dapibus, condimentum tempor quis, turpis luctus dolor sapien vivamus.